Preaching and Communication

While we strive to bring Gods word, we also want to communicate the message of Jesus, his love and acceptance of us, wherever we are in the journey. We also communicate encouragement to those who know Christ, to have the confidence to share their faith and grace with this community. There is room for collaboration and initiative instead of rigid structures.

Our challenge is, now more than ever, to encourage the embattled and hurting and be there for those God brings who may be searching. The vision we feel most passionately about is that this church continues to be safe space for people who don’t know God and for those who have been lost or hurt in their previous experiences of church.

We all share the load and responsibility of bringing salt and light to all who come through these doors and have created a space for the people in those respective areas to expand on their skills and their interactions with the congregation. We continue to build a cohesive community, who is encouraged to actively participate with the worship team as the worship team sharing what’s on their hearts during worship.

Our Facebook page, App and the website are other channels of communication.

More From 'Ministries'

Pastoral Care

To experience God’s love, expressed in quality relationships and through pastoral care that will restore individual lives, build healing communities, praying for each person and growing disciples of Jesus.

Scriptural emphasis – Matthew 25:35-40

35 For…….

I was hungry and you gave me food, (meals for those in need)

I was thirsty and you gave me drink,(meet people’s needs)

I was a stranger and you welcomed me, (new people may feel welcomed)

I was naked and you clothed me, (provide support in many areas)

I was sick and you visited me, (for those who face physical challenges)

I was in prison and you came to me. (for those who are bound)

37 Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink?

38 And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you?

39 And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’

40 And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, [a] you did it to me.

Meetings are held each month and the format of each meeting commences in prayer, devotional, sharing what God has been doing in our lives and a topic for the meeting.


Generations, Kids and Youth

Kids church is open on Sundays during the service to children of all ages.

All groups use age-appropriate material that meets our goal of taking the children deeper into an aspect of Christ’s character over several lessons.

4-11 yrs old group learns the fun way using different stories, games and activities. At the end of the term, presentation to the whole church allows the children to share their learning and shows our congregation our children’s increasing love for and knowledge of Christ and the Father.

Youth Connect on Sunday mornings is for youth aged 11 to 17. This group meets fortnightly during the sermon. Material is age appropriate, currently exploring some basic truths about identity to begin with and going through Alpha Youth. The Alpha course is created to get the young people asking questions about God and life in a setting that is safe, which appeals to the current culture. The vison for us is that the young people will feel safe and comfortable to share and ask questions and to participate in the discipleship process.

Kids club meets every fortnight on Friday evenings. Children 8yrs and above are welcome. It is a fun based programme where we encourage kids to be kids. Activities have included games nights, talent quests, bowling, master chef and many more. More recently dinner is being provided to encourage children sharing together about their week. Leaders endeavour to insert a short, relevant Christian message into the activities.

All our programmes operate at least with two leaders in place each week to ensure we comply with Child Safe standards and the risk plans are in place. Our leaders have necessary training to ensure all safety standards are met and adhered to.

We feel very blessed with the number of children attending, which is such an affirmation from God.


Hospitality and Welcome

We are blessed with many people who make SouthPoint a friendly and welcoming place for fellowship. It starts with our friendly welcoming team at the door, a big thank you to Molly and Val as well as others who take the time to great people at the door.

After our service, there is the opportunity to receive prayer. Thank you to Robyn and Trish for coordinating this valuable service and for all the team who make this a regular service that we can provide each week.

Morning Tea items are provided by Bite Me bakery (c/o Nicole) and Lynne is amazing, preparing fruit as well as ensuring the fridge and pantry are stocked with morning tea supplies! Lisa Croke’s help to set up in the morning is appreciated and her special treats that she and Stephy bake, for Father’s Day and other occasions, provides welcome additions to the regular items on offer.

Jo Knight has very generously made beautiful craft/ food goodies for our special events such as Easter, Mother’s Day, and Father’s Day, which make everyone feel special. Thank you, Jo!

Gaynor and Hanli helped organise this year’s Greatest Morning Tea to raise funds for cancer research.

SALA is another event where SouthPoint provide an evening of catering and fellowship for Artists and the community.

We also hosted a Men’s breakfast and Indian lunch we had around 50 people to these events.

We have been blessed to have little Amber helping with the dishes and Stephy helping in the kitchen. Its lovely to see the lessons learned during kid’s church being enthusiastically embraced by our kids!

Thank you to everyone who lends a helping hand and serves faithfully in this portfolio.
