Download the new Church Central App

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8 October, 2018

Steps to download the new Church Central App:

  1. Download the Church central app from App Store (Apple) or play Store (Android)
  2. Select "Find a Church". Search for SouthPoint and select as favourite
  3. Delete your Old SouthPoint App

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Churches Of Christ Vision and Mission Statement


SouthPoint Church of Christ

SouthPoint Church of Christ

SouthPoint Edwardstown is a community church, a place where everyone is welcome.

Our service is on Sundays at 10am, followed by informal morning tea, where we get a chance to chat with visitors, new members, and friends.

“Create”, art classes.

Every Sunday during school term we offer “Create”, art classes headed by Paul & Gaynor. If art is your therapy, please come along to bring your projects to life. Paul & Gaynor welcome beginners, intermediate or advanced artists, or artists at heart. All welcome.

Kids Church

Our Kids Church caters for young children and youth. Children and their families are supported by a team of volunteers. Kids church runs during the Sunday service in school terms. Additionally, Kids Club is run fortnightly on Friday evenings from 7 pm to 9 pm for children aged between and including 8 and 13 years of age, and is open for children from Christian and non-Christian families.

We are committed as a loving church family to the fostering the spiritual life of our children and youth in togetherness with their families.

SouthPoint Church of Christ is run by eight ministries

- Pastoral Care

- Hospitality

- Outreach and Engagement

- Leaders support and Development

- Generations and Discipleship

- Preaching and Communication

- Worship and Music

- Stewardship


Screens and Teens

Hi Parents,

On June 16th I am preaching and we have the youth staying in the service and presenting a really powerful drama. This drama is about the things that temps and lead us away (especially young people) from Jesus. As I have talked with parents around this issue, one thing has become particular clear as a big and current issue related to this: SCREENS.

Screens don’t seem on the surface to have a strong ethical component to them, though any parent knows how addictions to screens impacts the home environment. Attached to this are my notes (if you’ve only got 2 minutes) from a podcast on how screens are being deliberately used to turn children into puppets to be taken advantage of. Its subtle. On June 16th I will address this in my sermon, but this Sunday in youth I will be asking our youth if we can agree to not even take our phones out when we step into the church so that we can be present for each other and for God. Sounds a little trite when I put it like that, but if you listen to the podcast here, you’ll see that this is a wide open door for Satan.

This is a tricky issue, as our teens have already, to varying degrees, become addicted (yes, screens are doing exactly the same thing with dopamine in our brains as drugs), and so as parents, just taking screens away will likely not work and make you super unpopular. I’ll be introducing some things on June 16th so that we can help our youth take ownership over the enterprise of being present in this world, and not the virtual escapism that is now normal.

Hamilton McNicol

Generations pastor
